Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Picture perfect.

I decided to dust off my film camera. I was so passionate about photography a couple years ago, but got side tracked with life, death, marriage, and kids. Horrible I know. Not that I wasnt taking pictures, but they were more for memories sake then art's sake. The moment I loaded the camera and started clicking away, I felt that old familiar love come back. Pete would be happy with this. Ill post some pictures when I get them developed, see if ive still "got it".

Got a card from Ft. Lenord Wood today. Pete had filled it out. It just said that he arrived safely and would be writing be once he is assigned to his training group with an address. It was nice to see his hand writing. It also said, that incase of emergency I had to contact the red cross to get in contact with him. Reminded me of finding the red cross letters sent to my grandma saying that my Grandfather had been killed in Korea, only to get another letter a couple days latter saying that he was alive, but wounded. What a horrible couple days that must have been for Nana.

I keep trying to focus on positive things, so I just dont sit around and mope that my husband is gone. I get to watch whatever I want on the TV, less laundry, one less person to pick up after, and I havent been kept up with Pete snoring in a week..... although im so use to it, that im finding the silence in my bedroom annoying. Ive been writing him every night, telling him all the things that I would normally share with him threw out the day. It helps a ton. 1 week down 9 to go.


  1. Hey, just wanted to tell you how much I'm enjoying your posts. I think this blog is a great idea! I'm glad to hear you picked the camera back up.

    Hang in there, and know you've got lots of love coming your way from Seattle!
