Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yes im still breastfeeding.

I dont even know how to start this blog.  Im sooo over America's old, non researched based ,  old wives tale  views on breastfeeding and child rearing.   Really?  Really, you think because im still breastfeeding my toddler that she is going to be at the boob when she is 13?  Really?  And what makes you think this?  You see so many 13 year olds snacking on booby milk?  No.  The rest of the world wouldnt think twice when seeing a woman breast feed her toddler, but here in the most advanced country in the world, strangers shake there head and go cross eyed.  It pisses me off.

FACT:  The world health organization recommends that children be breastfed until the age of 2.

I would quote this fact sheet word for word about the benefits of extended breastfeeding....but ill just give you the link.  I heart Kellymom.

Not to mention how it majorly  reduces my chances of getting breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers.  Charlies chances of getting diabetes and heart/lung disease....you would think that would shut them up right there.

The emotional benefits are amazing as well.  My daughter never took a pacifier..I was her pacifier..her soother.  I still am.  My breasts offer her  comfort and security when she needs it, which sadly is becoming less frequent as she gains more confidence with the world around her.  This is what my breasts were made for.  To sooth, nourish, and comfort.    The fact that the majority of America will watch  Pam And run around with her boobs hanging out all over the place and not think twice, but be extremely offended and judgmental toward a breastfeeding mother is disgusting.

An example of the extent of misinformed doctors and professionals out there is what happened to me at the emergency room when I had my miscarriage in May.

Doctor Bozo started off by saying that I didnt do anything wrong, and there wasnt anything I could have done differently..obviously he has a script he reads from when it comes to woman in the midst of a loss.  His tone changed when I informed him that I hadnt had a period since having my daughter, and I was still breastfeeding my then 17 month old.  He says "Congratulations on still breastfeeding", then he gives me a one eyed glare and says "You know that when you get pregnant you are supposed to immediately stop breastfeeding, mmmm".  Doctor Bozo.  I think what upset me more then what he was insinuating, was the he regurgitates this information to other woman.  There are a lot of young pregnant woman who live on base, and probably see Doctor Bozo.  This is what they are hearing.  It just infuriates me.  Even though I know that breastfeeding while pregnant is safe, it still made me question myself...and that added to some of my pain and heartache dealing with the loss.

So.  How do we combat the misinformed and the Doctor Bozos out there?  How do we let people know that breastfeeding past the age of one does not mean that we are raising a sissy spoiled chid.  It does not mean that im not "disciplined" enough with my child.  How do we combat?  Well this mama made it a point to breastfeed her child at the 4th of July celebration on Army base Fort Bragg in front of some 5,000 people.  You see, the more people see breastfed toddlers...the more common it will become.  So I will take the looks and criticism, so my daughter...and her daughter might not have to.


  1. I love this entry!! :]

  2. Go Bre, I wish Max has nursed for longer but he quit himself when he was and I killed myself trying to get him to keep nursing but if I could even get him latched on he would bite me, but I congratulate myself on keeping it up even though he wasnt fed for for over a week and didnt nurse properly till he was over 3 weeks old and out of NICU and was a fight from the beginning but I got there.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this story. I too fear the misinformation that is being spread at our local hospital (Bremerton Naval hospital). There are some good people that work there, but the vast majority are anti-EBF/crunchy/AP mothering, etc.

    I wish I had nursed longer, and been more brave about NIP. Good for you for showing the normalization of nursing toddlers!

    And I'm so sorry about your loss. :( I know firsthand how badly comments like that can hurt.

  4. AWE-SOME! Love ya Bre! Very well written and I can totally relate to this. Obviously I rarely even talk about still nursing Abigail because nursing a 4 year old...you would think I just told people I escaped from the looney bin and just killed someone. I would love to see society's views on breastfeeding change, especially those on breastfeeding a toddler. I thought twice about nursing Anna at the bounce house last week, but then thought "Why not?" and did it. I'm hoping at least one person saw me nursing my 19 month old and it even just planted that seed that it may not be *that* out there.

  5. Brilliant Bre, well done you!

    Andrea, i had no idea you still fed Abbi, you shouldn't feel ashamed of it. You have all done amazing and should be proud of it. Over here, nobody really blinks an eye if they see a breastfeeding mother, that's the way it should be.

    <3 to you both :D
    Lisa x
