So. Ive decided that I need to blog more. When I first started the blog, I was posting a lot more, and my posts were more in depth....the way I intended. Updating once a week isnt cutting it. How do I smush a million feeling, or all of the amazing things Charlie does in a week into one post? The purpose of this was to capture my day to day. At least I will try.
Peter called yesterday. He got word as to where we will be moving next month. Ft Bragg NC!Im pleased, though at this point I would have been pleased living on the moon as long as it was with him. As soon as I hung up the phone, I went to the Internet and started investigating. I looks awesome. I guess the biggest thing, will be getting there. 3 cats, 1 baby, 2 freaked out adults = insanity! We will see what happens. An adventure to say the least. I just want it to be May already. Hanging pictures in our new home. Falling asleep to Peters snoring...and Charlies too. I turn 30 April 24th.....holy crap i just re-read that...THIRTY. Needless to say, I will be bringing in 30 in a new place...pretty cool.
Today we went to a park where they hold a babywearing group. I love being around other mom's with the same thinking as me. Its great because Charlie can just run around like a crazy lady, and im just one of many moms chasing there kids around. Moms are rad. Multitasking is an art, and babywearing moms have figured it out. To somone watching it probably looks like total chaos, but really these woman are able to hold conversation, demonstrate different baby carriers and wraps, breastfeed a baby, and make sure the walking one doesnt hurt themselves..all at once...awesome. All this with ease
Ok...enough of that. On to talking about the little things that make my world spin. Charlie. She is just amazing. All day long I sit and watch her. Watching what she will do next. Watching her discover the world. I guess I will be doing this forever...and thats just fine by me. We took her to the beach the other day. I was still feeling under the weather, but its hard to say no to a gorgeous San Diego day. She has no fear. She charges the ocean...loving the cold water on her toes. She would stand there looking at the ground watching the water come up and touch her feet, only to drift back away. She would say "bye bye" when the water would recede. One of the most brilliant things about being a parent is witnessing this. The ity bity little things in life are what makes life, Oh, how we get caught up in the world..fixating on things that done mean a damn thing. Beautiful moments pass and no one notices. Children open your eyes again to the little things. Turn off the TV, and go sit in the grass with your baby...that is what its all about. I always tried to pay attention to the small moments in life....i think thats why i love photography so much....but its so much more important. Thank you Charlie.
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