Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hello hello. Its been a while since ive had a second to sit down and write, wait, let me correct myself...its been a while since ive had the emotional energy to sit down and write. I really dont know where to start. The past month has been a whirl wind to say the least. I guess ill start with Peters homecoming.

Charlie, me, Ron, Kathryn, and Michelle all went to the Airport to pick him up. The anticipation and excitement was so hard to contain. It was a compleatly different feeling then picking him up from the airport for his little visits away from school.....this was it. The start of our new life. I was wearing my "Apache Helocoptor" shirt Pete gave me, and Charlie her "My daddy is in the Army and he loves me" shirt. We bought and American Flag and Charlie was parading around the Airport with it. Everyone starring at us, and knowing that we were meeting our soldier

When I saw Pete walking down the terminal in his uniform, my heart skipped a little. It felt exactly like I thought it would.

Peter's birthday was the day before, so we came home and had a little birthday/ graduation party for him.  So imensly proud of him.

Our party was short lived, seeing how we had to be in NC in 2 weeks.  Luckily everything fell in to place.  The packers and movers showed up at the perfect time, and we got a call that we got a 3 bedroom house that would be waiting for us when we got just for the "getting there" part.  I was full of so much anxiaty worrying about my 16 month old, and 3 cats in the car for 4 days.

We hit the road on a Wednesday afternoon.  It was a rainy day in San Diego.  The moment we passed the "leaving San Diego county" sign, we were greeted with a full arch rainbow.  San Diego was saying good bye to was breath taking.  We stayed the night in Phoenix, and got up at 4 AM to hit the road again.  We figured out that getting up super early made it a lot easier on Char.  She would sleep the first 3 hours in the car..we would stop somewhere and eat breakfest and get her out of her PJ's and run her around a bit.  Then, get back in the car and put on a DVD for her.  She would eventually take her morning nap.  When she woke we would stop for lunch, run her around and get back in the worked!  

Its so weird moving to a place blind.  Compleatly blind.  Driving into Fort Bragg, and looking at our new home was crazy.  At that point we were so grateful just to be there, that Bragg could have been on the moon and we wouldnt have cared.  When we got on base we checked into our temproary sucked not going to lie.  It made the motel 6 look luxurious.  Luckily we were only there for 3 days before we got the keys to our place.  The movers showed up the day after we got our keys and it was glorious to have all of our stuff under one roof again

The unpacking began!  Unpacking is fun.  I love hanging pictures, so i save that for the last thing i do.  We didnt put preasure on ourselves to get everything sorted super fast.  We were so exhausted from the past 2 weeks, that we took our time.  I wanted to make sure that everything was in its correct spot...and i did.  Four weeks later we are done.  Pictures are up, boxes are gone, the only thing left that we have to get is a kitchen table...and i love my new home.

Four days after we moved into our new home we found out that we were pregnant!  It was a surprise, and cought me off guard to say the least.  We were very excited.  Its funny...and im sure mom's who have more then one child can agree....the first thing that i thought was "Charlie".  What about my girl?  I just cant imagine not giving her 100% of me.  Now, I know that when another baby comes your love grows, and you figure out how to divide your attention, but my first reaction was concern for my little love.  That concern quickly eased up with thoughts of her playing with her brother or sister.  A couple days after we found out, I found a Midwife that i loved.  She scheduled an ultrasound to determine gestational age.  I hadnt gotten my period since having Charlie (thank you extended Breastfeeding!) so we had no way of knowing an due date.  When we got the ultrasound he said i was 5 weeks, i had thought i was further along then that but was happy with my due date of 1-11-11!  Later that week i noticed that i didnt really "feel" pregnant.  I knew that every pregnancy is different, but the symptoms i was having the week before really werent there anymore.  I thought that i may get lucky this time and get out of the morning sickness that i had until 11 weeks with Char.  Last Sunday morning I woke up and was spotting a bit.  The moment i saw it I knew what was happening.  I knew it in my gut.  I think i knew it a week before.  The next day when the bleeding got worse I went the the ER, and they confirmed what I already knew.  I was having a miscarriage.  I cried.  Grieved for the little embryo that we made, that couldnt hold on.  I felt horrible for about 3 days.  The Army gave Pete 3 days off to take care of me..which was amazing and unexpected.  We are doing ok now.  Im feeling better.  It defiantly made us realize that we want another baby soon.  We want them to be 2-3 years apart.  We will start trying at the end of the summer...after my body has healed some, and our lives arent as hectic as it has been the past month.

For mothers day Pete bought me the camera ive wanted for years now.  Still figuring it out, but with out further of my darling girl in our new home..
